बुधवार, 2 अक्टूबर 2013

Result/Merit List/cut off marks UPSC NDA II 2013-UP BTC 2013

UPSC NDA II 2013 Result

The Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) is going to announce UPSC NDA II Results 2013 very soon on its official portal www.upsc.gov.in 

UPSC NDA and NA (II) Exam was held on 11th August, 2013. The UPSC has conducted this Examination for those candidates who want to join Army, Navy & air Force wings of the NDA for 132nd course and for the 94th Indian navy Academic course (INAC) commencing from July, 2013.
Lots of candidates had appeared in NDA Examination to fulfill their dreams. Since the Examination is successfully over, right now candidates are very curious and tensed about UPSC NDA II Results 2013. 
To end the curiosity of aspirants, UPSC is trying their best to  declare the UPSC NDA 2 2013 result as soon as possible.
Date of Declaration of UPSC NDA 2 Result 2013 : Last week of October, 2013
After the declaration of NDA II Result, Qualified Candidates will be called up for Psychological Aptitude test, Intelligence test and SSB Interview.
Steps to check the UPSC NDA 2 2013 Results :
1. Visit UPSC official website at www.upsc.gov.in
2. Now navigate to the “What’s new" Section.
3. Click on the "UPSC NDA and NA(II) Result" link.
4. Save the UPSC NDA 2 Result pdf file.
UP BTC 2013 Merit List/cut off marks 

Uttar Pradesh Govt has recently closed the link of UP BTC Online Registration on 22nd August, 2013. State Council of educational  Research & Training (SCERT), Uttar Pradesh has offered Basic Training Certificate (BTC) course for appointment of Teacher in Basic Primary school in Uttar Pradesh. 
After the successful Submission of BTC 2013 Online form , now  DIET is scheduled to announced UP BTC 2013 Meritlist, BTC cut off marks and UP BTC Result 2013 very soon on its official website.
As we know that Lots of candidates have filled UP BTC 2013 Online application form to get Admission in  Admission in 2 yrs of Basic training Certificate (BTC) course.
Right Now, Candidates might be very curious to know the UP BTC Merit List, cut off marks Because Candidates will be shortlisted for Interview only on the basis of Merit list..All the Candidates are informed that Merit list will be prepared by DIET. According to previous year merit list summary , this year cut off may goes high.
Date of Declaration of UP BTC Merit list 2013 : Last week of October, 2013
Candidates are pleased to start preparation for attending the counselling of UP BTC 2013, because UP BTC Merit listwill be declared very soon and Once Merit list will be declared candidates will be immediately called for Interview.
Official website of UP BTC : www.upbasiceduboard.gov.in

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